Strategies to Make the Most of Your Document Review Team

Unlock the untapped potential of your document review teams! Their expertise and case knowledge often go underutilized in subsequent stages of disputes or investigations. Discover how rethinking the role of review teams can empower lawyers to leverage their valuable skills and knowledge for maximum impact.

Traditionally, the division of labor between lawyers and document review providers has been fairly well defined: the lawyer briefs the review team and then the reviewers read and tag documents for relevance, issues, privilege, etc. But all of that knowledge and insight into the facts of the matter are no longer leveraged during the next phases of the case. 

Access this article, and discover the untapped potential of leveraging your document review team in new ways to accomplish more, including:

  • Providing valuable insights on key dates and individuals
  • Witness bundle preparation
  • Creating Chronologies
  • Boosting efficiencies and cost savings

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