The Path to an Efficient Checkout: A Guide for Technical Leaders

Learn the 4 essentials for frictionless checkout based on learnings from Shopify—the world’s #1 converting checkout platform.

This guide covers the checkout must-haves in order to build fast and increase your revenue.

  • Conversion: See how you can leverage speed, a streamlined customer flow, and a recognisable one-click wallet to convert up to 36% better than the competition.
  • Scalability: Discover how your checkout can be continually refined, globally deployed, compliant with security standards, and ready to handle any sale, any time.
  • Simplicity: From bundles to payment instalments, learn how to manage complexity with a checkout solution that’s maintained by a team of experts.
  • Adaptability: Explore building custom checkout experiences on top of Shopify Checkout, so you don’t have to build from scratch every time your business needs change.

Ready for a frictionless checkout? Read the guide.