Cloud Operating Model for Dummies

There’s no denying we live in the cloud era. Organizations now deliver cloud services to help people do everything from banking online to buying a car. But to deliver new digital experiences quickly, securely, and cost-effectively, organizations should be prepared to reimagine the way their people, processes, and technology work.

Whether you’re just starting out on your cloud journey or well on your way, there’s considerable value in ensuring you have a cloud operating model to take you forward. This book can be your guide.

It’s loaded with information that will bring you up to speed on the whats, hows, and whys of cloud operations and management, including cloud service delivery, performance, cost, and security. Armed with that knowledge, you can maximize your existing and future cloud investments — whether they’re private, public, hybrid, edge, or multi-cloud.

With Cloud Operating Model for Dummies, you will learn:

  • The value of a cloud operating model and the benefits you can expect to achieve
  • How to define a cloud operating model that works for your organization, considering people, processes, and technology
  • How to operationalize the cloud operating model to deliver the greatest return on your cloud investments