A Perfect Pairing: Naked Wines integrates PayPal Braintree and approvals increase by 5%

Naked Wines wanted to switch to a payment processor that could accommodate their unique payments needs and increase approval rates while mitigating risk. After implementing PayPal Braintree, Naked Wines saw an increase in authorisation rates, delivering a 5% increase in approvals in the US and the UK.1 This increase led to more sales and a better customer checkout experience on the front end and a reduction in chargebacks on the back end.

“What really nailed it for us is the support that PayPal provided and continues to provide. It’s a partnership” says David Crawford, CTO, Naked Wines. And their Senior Product Manager, Jules Larmandier adds “We are convinced that the Braintree product was superior, especially in scalability”.

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      1 Data from Naked Wines interview, January 2023.